KidsHubs in Multiple Languages

KidsHubs resources are now available in 6 different languages.

KidsHubs is a disciple making strategy that can be used with children and teens. Teaching a skill to a small group while discipling them, sharing Jesus and the Bible. You or someone you know might be good at cooking or football, bicycle maintenance or woodwork, chess or dance. Any skill can be used to teach a small group of young people.  It is an opportunity to get to know them over a long period of time, develop their skills, disciple them and hopefully involve them in ministry in your community with their new-found skills.
Check out the list below.

To get you started…
How to Start a KidsHubs –  English, French & Spanish

KidsHubs Training Guide – English, French & Spanish
Learning Through Games – English, French & Portuguese

Skills Sessions…
Arts & Crafts – English & Portuguese
Drama – English & Portuguese
*Natural Area Restoration – English & Spanish
Media – English, French, Tamil, & Telegu
Puppetry – English, Portuguese & Spanish
*Vegetable Gardening – English & Spanish *(Creation care)

These resources have been translated by volunteers from around the world to share with others. It just takes one person willing to translate a resource and share it so that many can benefit. Can you help or know someone who can?

You may be running a KidsHubs, discipling children in a whole new skill, like peanut farming, drama or chocolate making. Write down what you are doing and share your story or upload your session outlines. Freely sharing resources means a group of children who started a vegetable garden at an orphanage in Liberia, ended up inspiring school children in Australia and a juvenile prison in Guatemala to do the same. The KidsHubs facebook group is another way to be inspired by all that God is doing around the world with children and their families.

KidsHubs resources can also be found at
You can view resources that are available in different languages by selecting your language in the left-hand column of the website.

KidsHubs is a global disciple making strategy that was dreamed up and developed by a group of people who are part of the Global Children’s Forum.