Children’s Ministry in Three Dimensions

  “Children’s ministry in the 21st century should be in three dimensions. To have any of those dimensions missing is to seriously jeopardise the impact of church ministry to this rising generation.”

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Children in Mission

Article written by Anand Jeyakumar Anand works with children living in slum communities in Chennai, India with Metro Missions. If you are interested in exploring this topic with others from your church or community, Anand has helped create a hands-on session in the Children Everywhere Challenge. It is just one of many resources to be…

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A Little Girl Shares a Secret

The last Aim Lower Journal featured the ‘Best Secret Ever’ cards that help children introduce their friends to Jesus. Peter Empson, the creator of the cards below shares a story of a girl in a village in Myanmar who did just that – shared the best secret ever. “I was in the heart of Myanmar.…

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God’s redemptive plan from creation to eternal restoration

There are lots of stories in the Bible, but all the stories are telling one Big Story. The Story of how God loves his children and comes to rescue them.” Sally Lloyd Jones, The Jesus Storybook Bible[1] The Bible is the Story of God’s redemption of the world. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to teach…

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GCF2018 – Budapest, Hungary 14-18 May, 2018

  CHILDREN EVERYWHERE WALKING WITH JESUS This is what we long to see happening! We know that children everywhere NEED to walk with Jesus if they are to flourish and become all that He intends. Helping the church to implement this shared Kingdom vision is the purpose of the Global Children’s Forum –  a pioneering, partnering community…

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God’s rescue plan for children

God’s redemptive plan from creation to eternal restoration is the story of the Bible. It has lots of stories, but all the stories are telling one Big Story. The Story of how God loves his children and comes to rescue them. Sally Lloyd Jones, The Jesus Storybook Bible The Bible is the Story of God’s redemption of…

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Understanding Christian concepts of ‘human flourishing’ in relation to children

In recent decades there has been a growing trend for theologians to speak about about the idea of ‘human flourishing’.[1] ‘Flourishing’ is a biological, even ecological word, which evokes images of plants, gardens or whole ecosystems growing in a healthy manner.[2] Theological ethicists and public theologians (those seeking to speak about God in the civic…

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Raising Samuel – Releasing Children to Discover Godʼs Purpose

I do not believe that valuing children as a strategic means to church growth and as missionary targets fully embraces a biblical, ethical or respectful value of children in the Kingdom or the Church. BY SUSAN GREENER Introduction A mother bound by the One Child Policy hopes for a son. In disappointment she aborts the…

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Children at the Heart of Mission

REDISCOVERING CHILDREN AT THE HEART OF MISSION There is a misconception of serious proportions among Christians that ‘the Bible says very little about children’. Let’s examine that. An Old Testament Cast of Children (from Genesis to Malachi) Ishmael (Gen 16) means ‘God hears’. His pregnant mother, Hagar, had all but given up hope, but God was…

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Shalom – God’s heart for children

Shalom – God’s heart for children Shahid was physically broken – he was born paralysed and unable to use his legs. He lived in a broken environment – a poor urban area in South Asia where his family couldn’t even afford a wheelchair for him. He had a broken relationship with God – he had…

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