Encountering Jesus – The Child and Spiritual Discovery
How can we be intentional about providing spaces for children to encounter Jesus? In an entertainment driven, visually stimulated, “I’m bored” generation there is a tendency to fill our program time with children with lots of activity, noise and busyness so as to maintain attention and hopefully communicate something of value. While we need to…
Read More8 Ways to Encourage Discipleship Among Children
Children Independently Following Jesus. Irregular attendance at programs is a constant concern of children’s ministry leaders. The reality is that children can only attend our programs when their family enables them. Teaching children to nurture their relationship with God and independently follow Jesus will help them in the wider circumstances of their life when they may…
Read MoreAdventuring with Scripture – the Bible, children and discipleship
Discipleship and scriptural engagement – adventures that belong together. Discipleship is not a theory or an orderly set of doctrines you can transmit or teach like times tables. It is not about signing on the bottom line, ‘Yes, I believe all that.’ Even the devil believes God – and trembles! Discipleship is not learning about Jesus…
Read MoreSeeking After Excellence in Ministry with Children – A Concise Checklist
We will treat each child as a unique individual: whilst ‘ages and stages of development’ material can provide some general help, they do not describe a real child – just trends. We will take the time, and make the effort, to ‘tune in’ to the life of each child it is our privilege to minister…
Read MoreWhy Kids Need Systematic Theology
I know what you are thinking “Isn’t that a bit much for kids?” 50 years ago I would have agreed with you even 20 years ago. Today is a different day. There are many reasons for this, but I think DA Carson’s analysis is most concise in this matter. He says,”One generation knows the gospel,…
Read MorePeak Experiences: A place where God meets you, stretches and inspires you …. and transformation happens
A peak experience is a vital complement to the regular activities within the faith community. The experience may be a residential camp, a day camp, a special Saturday program, a concert, a special evening program, and so on. In these contexts, faith is deepened through the mixture of meeting new people with a real faith, being…
Read MoreThe Church Sticking Together – The Vital Role of Intergenerational Relationships in Fostering Sticky Faith
It turns out that intergenerational relationships are one key to building lasting faith in students. Silver bullet? No. Helpful if we want students to live their faith beyond high school? Absolutely. Sadly, many high school students lack these significant relationships. In our effort to offer relevant and developmentally appropriate teaching and fellowship for teenagers, we have…
Read More10 reasons children should play at church
Do you believe kids should play when they’re at church. Why? Dale Hudson has 10 reasons why this is a great idea. 1. Play gives kids the opportunity to connect with each other. In a recent post, I shared 8 games you can use to help kids connect with each other before service starts. 2.…
Read MoreChildren’s Ministry Effectiveness Model – Reflect & Innovate
Children’s Ministry Effectiveness Model The ultimate statement of effectiveness is a saving relationship with God through Jesus Christ for each child. We believe that if ministry solutions help children to become active disciples of Christ…living in that saving relationship…then the ministry has been effective. These are, however, very challenging “bottom line” criteria to observe and…
Read MoreBible handling goals for the 11-14 year age group
An age-appropriate guide for children’s use of the Bible – their knowledge of its content, skills in using it and attitudes towards it. Children of different ages approach the Bible in different ways. As their general skills grow, so does their understanding of the Bible and their skill in using it. The statements below represent…
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