Releasing a Sense of Wonder
How deliberate are we in helping children think carefully about popular culture? How do we help them be creative. Here is a provocative thought. We will intentionally seek out and promote to our children, (via home and church) music, reading and other cultural expressions of a Biblical faith. We will by this means impart a…
Read MoreThe Child in Christian Thought
This book will soon have graced our shelves for 15 years. Many have been written since which explore in even more depth its key themes. So why review it now? Well, for one thing many may not yet have come across it. But there are some other reasons why you may want to set aside…
Read MoreThink Smaller – How do we actually relate to children
Ideas have consequences. How do we take the biblical idea of the faith of the child and start to think smaller Scripture Union staff member Wendy Strachan offers a perspective on the child faith journey and asks some provocative questions. In 1780, one man with a big vision and a simple idea changed the way…
Read MoreThe Child Faith Journey – 10 key insights
All around the world there is a fresh focus on ministry to children. While many remain unreached by the message of Jesus they do not remain unreached by other ideas and other religions. As the church seeks to clarify how we can reach out with fresh passion to the rising generations we are looking again…
Read MoreMentoring – We say it takes a whole church to nurture the faith of a child – but how?
From generation to generation In a survey published in the UK in April 2010 (Aquafresh ‘Mum’s Wish List’, 2010) two thousand mums were asked who they would like their children to grow up to be like, and one thousand children were asked who were their top role models. The results made interesting reading, with a…
Read MoreRadical Jesus – a saying about children that changed everything
Who would have been offended by Jesus words about children? Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3 They seem so mild to us. Of course, we think. But they were hard words for some to hear. It would challenge their…
Read MoreAim Lower – a new priority for children in mission thinking
Aim Lower, Think Smaller, Give up and Go Have a Cup of Coffee. These are the taglines of the popular viral video about mission to children. It doesn’t make sense… IMAGINE ANOTHER WORLD How can we tell the story of Jesus to the 2 billion+ children of the world if we stop our busy activity and…
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