Child Evangelism – A Theological Oveview

A study of the Biblical basis for the evangelism of children and the implications for ministry practice with children. Can young children make a solid decision to trust the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior? At what age should we present the Gospel to children and give them an opportunity to respond? Should we…

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Welcoming Children of Other Faiths

Ideas for those in a predominately Christian culture as they seek to reach out to children from other cultures and faiths. Not all of the guidelines will apply in every culture but there is much to stimulate your thinking. INTRODUCTION What exactly is it you want to know about relating to people of other faiths?…

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Adapting Materials to Different Cultures – A Guide for Children’s Workers

Suggestions on how to evaluate the local culture and adapt programs and curriculum for greater effectiveness. Regardless of where you work with children, their inner needs are very similar. The differences in culture, however, result in wide variances in the classroom. Mostly these differences are in the way people deal with authority, the norms for…

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The child and commitment to Jesus

During many children’s ministry programs, there will be opportunities given for children to respond to what they have learned and heard in that particular lesson. Some responses will be to the Gospel message that Jesus died for our sins to bring us back to God. Some of these responses will be to a challenge about…

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8 ideas to help you connect with families

Ideas for connecting the children’s ministry at church with the children’s families and supporting parents in their role. Children are part of families and while friends grow in their influence as children reach their teens, families are still the biggest influence on the life of a child. How do we support families as they develop…

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It’s time to take children and youth seriously

Children are all around us. Every human is or was once a child. Children are the most numerous needy and most people on the planet. Never in history have we had so many children among us and never have so many of them been at great risk. Author

: Dr. Dan Brewster International Director for Academic…

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The Child as a Partner in Mission

The past decade has seen a significant awakening on the biblical and strategic importance and potential of children and youth as both objects of and agents for world transformation. A wealth of new initiatives and publications has raised awareness of the needs, the promise and the possibilities represented by this large, needy and receptive ‘people…

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The Cape Town Commitment and Children

The Cape Town Commitment arose from the 2010 gathering of the Lausanne Movement For World Evangelisation. It included significant reference to children. This event, which first took place in 1974 occurs about every 15 years and helps set the agenda for mission thinking in the following decades. 
 Part of the task of groups such…

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The Child in Christian Thought

This book will soon have graced our shelves for 15 years. Many have been written since which explore in even more depth its key themes. So why review it now? Well, for one thing many may not yet have come across it. But there are some other reasons why you may want to set aside…

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