The Max7 Resource Website Explained is a Global Children’s Forum project and is part of the ‘Open Source’ ethos of the overall partnership. There are at least 7 very practical things you could do at the site. These could enhance your local ministry or help you help others in training situations and with resource materials 1 Find resources in…

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Key Trends in Mission to Children – 6 key insights

We offer the following principles for action, based on emerging trends we have identified. We sense a global movement of God calling the body of Christ to disciple children more effectively. In a paper offered at the Lausanne Congress in Cape Town 2010 several key action points emerge. They were offered with important questions to…

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Radical Jesus – a saying about children that changed everything

Who would have been offended by Jesus words about children? Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3 They seem so mild to us. Of course, we think. But they were hard words for some to hear. It would challenge their…

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