Children, Church Planting and Ministry to Parents

Last December a Christian mission partnership visited a village in a country not friendly to Christian mission to hold a day’s Christmas celebration with 80 kids. They distributed the Christmas Story with a gospel presentation. Afterwards, a young missionary pastor, who is pastoring a church 4 miles away, organized a Kids’ Club ministry and continued visiting the children twice a month. He taught 17 stories as the follow up ministry to the celebration.

After 4 months in June, he started a weekly church planting service with children and parents. As the children were so happy with the club activity, one of the families (not known as Christians) wanted to donate a piece of land for children’s activities. This land was received by the pastor and his church in August. The young missionary pastor and his church are planning to build a shelter for children so that they can run a weekly children’s program and adult Bible study in this village.

As the children in this village learned half of the 17 stories, they built up their faith in Jesus. Now, some non-Christian parents cannot stop their children from believing in Jesus. As a result, 7 children were able to attend the Nazarene Children’s and Youth Conference in June.

After attending the Kids’ Club activities, these kids have become very strong followers of Jesus. They are now very active in our club activities. Some of them are facing challenges because school teachers and local monks from another faith have forbidden them from attending our Christian club activity. In school, they were punished without having done anything wrong.

In spite of many hardships, they still want to believe and follow Jesus as their Lord and teacher. Now, their parents are attending the adult prayer meeting in their village. We are praying that all of their parents will accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

We are interested to hear more about children’s ministry planting the seeds from which churches grow. Use the comments box below to give us some headlines and we’ll contact you for more information.