
Key Trends in Mission to Children – 6 key insights

April 22, 2013

We offer the following principles for action, based on emerging trends we have identified. We sense a global movement of God calling the body of Christ to disciple children more effectively. In a paper offered at the Lausanne Congress in Cape Town 2010 several key action points emerge. They were offered with important questions to…

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Mentoring – We say it takes a whole church to nurture the faith of a child – but how?

April 22, 2013

From generation to generation In a survey published in the UK in April 2010 (Aquafresh ‘Mum’s Wish List’,  2010) two thousand mums were asked who they would like their children to grow up to be like, and one thousand children were asked who were their top role models. The results made interesting reading, with a…

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The Child Faith Journey – 10 key insights

April 22, 2013

All around the world there is a fresh focus on ministry to children. While many remain unreached by the message of Jesus they do not remain unreached by other ideas and other religions. 

As the church seeks to clarify how we can reach out with fresh passion to the rising generations we are looking again…

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Go Have a Cup of Coffee – The foundations of productive partnership in mission

April 22, 2013

MISSION TO 2 BILLION + CHILDREN NEEDS PARTNERSHIP TO BE TRULY EFFECTIVE – IT STARTS WITH ‘A CUP OF COFFEE’ (TOGETHER) The most effective way to reach children is through the witness of the local church. But the local church will need to work in partnership with others in many areas if it is to…

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Give Up. Challenge yourself – are you ready for real mission partnership?

April 22, 2013

WHAT ARE YOUR MINISTRY VALUES? Here are some ideas to reflect on: Kingdom-focused We seek God’s kingdom. The one that Jesus pointed to and taught (see especially Matthew chapters 5-7). We acknowledge that together we are part of one body under Christ, being and belonging to one church, as we see in 1 Corinthians 12…

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Think Smaller – How do we actually relate to children

April 22, 2013

Ideas have consequences. How do we take the biblical idea of the faith of the child and start to think smaller Scripture Union staff member Wendy Strachan offers a perspective on the child faith journey and asks some provocative questions. In 1780, one man with a big vision and a simple idea changed the way…

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Aim Lower – a new priority for children in mission thinking

April 22, 2013

Aim Lower, Think Smaller, Give up and Go Have a Cup of Coffee. These are the taglines of the popular viral video about mission to children. It doesn’t make sense… IMAGINE ANOTHER WORLD How can we tell the story of Jesus to the 2 billion+ children of the world if we stop our busy activity and…

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