Children in Mission

Article written by Anand Jeyakumar Anand works with children living in slum communities in Chennai, India with Metro Missions. If you are interested in exploring this topic with others from your church or community, Anand has helped create a hands-on session in the Children Everywhere Challenge. It is just one of many resources to be…

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Rubbing Shoulders

Sometimes the best encouragement for ministry is rubbing shoulders with others doing the same thing.  In Europe there are two opportunities to rub shoulders with others from around the world and be inspired to continue working with and for children. They are both in Budapest, Hungary and are planned to run one after the other.

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The Child in Christian Thought

This book will soon have graced our shelves for 15 years. Many have been written since which explore in even more depth its key themes. So why review it now? Well, for one thing many may not yet have come across it. But there are some other reasons why you may want to set aside…

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The Cape Town Commitment and Children

The Cape Town Commitment arose from the 2010 gathering of the Lausanne Movement For World Evangelisation. It included significant reference to children. This event, which first took place in 1974 occurs about every 15 years and helps set the agenda for mission thinking in the following decades. 
 Part of the task of groups such…

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The Family in the Bible

This is an unusual theology book – it’s a collection of short chapters considering a “specialised subject” in great detail. That subject is “family”. Family in the Bible Edited by Richard S. Hess and M. Daniel Carroll Published by Baker Books (2003) Reviewed by: 
 Lynn Alexander 
 Children and Family Pastor, Morningside…

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The International Summit on Children at Risk

We are at an unprecedented time in history as the Global Church rises up to seriously address the importance of children, especially children at risk. Major developments in the Global Church community in the past several years demonstrate a new commitment to mission to, for and with children. The 2010 Lausanne Cape Town Commitment (also…

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