The Family in the Bible

This is an unusual theology book – it’s a collection of short chapters considering a “specialised subject” in great detail. That subject is “family”. Family in the Bible Edited by Richard S. Hess and M. Daniel Carroll Published by Baker Books (2003) Reviewed by: 
 Lynn Alexander 
 Children and Family Pastor, Morningside…

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Review – Raising Children in a Digital Age

In this new and thought provoking book Bex Lewis offers a mix of practical advice and introductions to new services, plus resources, questions and strategies for helping us raise this generation. Raising Children in a Digital Age: Enjoying the Best, Avoiding the Worst Dr Bex Lewis Lion Hudson  9780745956046 It’s a starting point to find…

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The Child in Christian Thought

This book will soon have graced our shelves for 15 years. Many have been written since which explore in even more depth its key themes. So why review it now? Well, for one thing many may not yet have come across it. But there are some other reasons why you may want to set aside…

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The Max7 Resource Website Explained is a Global Children’s Forum project and is part of the ‘Open Source’ ethos of the overall partnership. There are at least 7 very practical things you could do at the site. These could enhance your local ministry or help you help others in training situations and with resource materials 1 Find resources in…

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Radical Jesus – a saying about children that changed everything

Who would have been offended by Jesus words about children? Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3 They seem so mild to us. Of course, we think. But they were hard words for some to hear. It would challenge their…

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Key Trends in Mission to Children – 6 key insights

We offer the following principles for action, based on emerging trends we have identified. We sense a global movement of God calling the body of Christ to disciple children more effectively. In a paper offered at the Lausanne Congress in Cape Town 2010 several key action points emerge. They were offered with important questions to…

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