Exploring Issues of Orality and Culture in Training

“There are 2.2 billion children in our world today that need to be reached and discipled as followers of Jesus. At the same time, 2 Timothy 2:2 urges us to multiply ministry by training those who will train others.” Eighty percent of those 2.2 billion children are preferred oral learners who can’t, won’t or don’t…

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Teaching Sunday School with Nothing but a Bible

How to write your own lesson materials using just your Bible, your knowledge of the children and your creativity. Although commercially produced Sunday School materials are out of reach for many Sunday School teachers, that is no reason to despair. A Sunday School teacher who has a good grasp of the Bible, who leads a…

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Bible Handling Goals for Children – 5-8 years old

An age-appropriate guide for children’s use of the Bible – their knowledge of its content, skills in using it and attitudes towards it. Children of different ages approach the Bible in different ways. As their general skills grow, so does their understanding of the Bible and their skill in using it. The statements below represent…

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Adapting Materials to Different Cultures – A Guide for Children’s Workers

Suggestions on how to evaluate the local culture and adapt programs and curriculum for greater effectiveness. Regardless of where you work with children, their inner needs are very similar. The differences in culture, however, result in wide variances in the classroom. Mostly these differences are in the way people deal with authority, the norms for…

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Welcoming Children of Other Faiths

Ideas for those in a predominately Christian culture as they seek to reach out to children from other cultures and faiths. Not all of the guidelines will apply in every culture but there is much to stimulate your thinking. INTRODUCTION What exactly is it you want to know about relating to people of other faiths?…

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Bible Handling Goals for Children – 5 years old and under

An age-appropriate guide for children’s use of the Bible – their knowledge of its content, skills in using it and attitudes towards it. Children of different ages approach the Bible in different ways. As their general skills grow, so does their understanding of the Bible and their skill in using it. The statements below represent…

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The Family in the Bible

This is an unusual theology book – it’s a collection of short chapters considering a “specialised subject” in great detail. That subject is “family”. Family in the Bible Edited by Richard S. Hess and M. Daniel Carroll Published by Baker Books (2003) Reviewed by: 
 Lynn Alexander 
 Children and Family Pastor, Morningside…

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The Cape Town Commitment and Children

The Cape Town Commitment arose from the 2010 gathering of the Lausanne Movement For World Evangelisation. It included significant reference to children. This event, which first took place in 1974 occurs about every 15 years and helps set the agenda for mission thinking in the following decades. 
 Part of the task of groups such…

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The Child in Christian Thought

This book will soon have graced our shelves for 15 years. Many have been written since which explore in even more depth its key themes. So why review it now? Well, for one thing many may not yet have come across it. But there are some other reasons why you may want to set aside…

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