The Coach with a Vision

Imagine coaching a team of young soccer players and seeing your influence through the faithful sharing of God’s word and weekly mentoring, making a difference in the homes, neighbourhood and schools the players were apart of. This is the testimony of Joel, a KidsHubs coach in Togo.

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Jesus Asked – Open Ended Questions & Ministry With Children

The ‘open-ended’ question is used to prompt a longer thinking process in the listener/responder. A closed question requires a yes, no, or a straightforward factual answer. An open-ended question may be rhetorical, but is more likely to be asking the listener to search for an answer in themselves that they have not considered before (thus…

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Releasing a Sense of Wonder

How deliberate are we in helping children think carefully about popular culture? How do we help them be creative. Here is a provocative thought. We will intentionally seek out and promote to our children, (via home and church) music, reading and other cultural expressions of a Biblical faith. We will by this means impart a…

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