The Church Sticking Together – The Vital Role of Intergenerational Relationships in Fostering Sticky Faith

It turns out that intergenerational relationships are one key to building lasting faith in students. Silver bullet? No. Helpful if we want students to live their faith beyond high school? Absolutely. Sadly, many high school students lack these significant relationships. In our effort to offer relevant and developmentally appropriate teaching and fellowship for teenagers, we have…

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Children’s Ministry Effectiveness Model – Reflect & Innovate

 Children’s Ministry Effectiveness Model  The ultimate statement of effectiveness is a saving relationship with God through Jesus Christ for each child. We believe that if ministry solutions help children to become active disciples of Christ…living in that saving relationship…then the ministry has been effective. These are, however, very challenging “bottom line” criteria to observe and…

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The impact of church based parent and toddler groups

The importance of working with children in early years (aged 0-5) There has been a large amount of academic and social policy research concluding that the single most important factor influencing a child’s intellectual and social development is the quality of parenting and care they receive and the quality of the home learning environment that…

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7 key resources for Sports Ministry with children

Kids Games KidsGames is a sports and games program. It is for children aged 6-14 years. KidsGames shares positive life values. It harnesses the power of sport to build relationship bridges and grow healthy, active children. It helps children learn important messages about life, and gives them opportunities to develop compassion and community spirit. There are…

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Leading Children to Christ

Guidelines for sharing the Gospel with children and supporting them in their new life as Christians. Use the comments section below to share. This article is from the Max7 resource library Clearly Present the Gospel The following concepts will help your children to understand the Gospel. It is a good practice to look for ways…

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Children’s Ministry as the Presence of God

One writer has suggested that the strength of Jesus’s ministry was not merely his witness but in fact his ‘withness’.  He was with people.  What might that look like for us as we engage in ministry to children? Dave Roberts is a writer and children’s ministry advocate. He also edits the Aim Lower Journal God…

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Are your children safe, or are they saved?

Only when children know and fear God, walking in faith and in Christ’s righteousness, can they truly be both safe and saved. Rebecca works for a children’s ministry training and equipping agency. Here she challenges us to think again about discipleship and salvation. Parents often like to bring their children to the playground. They assume…

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