Leadership Team meetings at Shikwaru

14th-20th March 2020

Incubating infectious ideas together

Goals for the Leadership Team meetings:

  • Establish ownership, clarity and agree actions for GCF and the next two years.
  • Establish GCF projects for the next two years, with leaders and teams
  • Invest in and develop our innovation DNA and competence
  • Invest relationally to build a wider leadership community for GCF

To help us with the emphasis on innovation, part of the time during these meetings will be spent on a creative, innovation process. This will be developed in conjunction with the LE participants to stimulate innovative thinking and to help develop deeper connections across the LE and GCF communities.

The weekend at the end of the leadership meetings, 21st-22nd March is also set aside to allow an opportunity for GCF project teams and regional groups to invest time together.

  • Location

    Shikwaru Lodge, Farm Geluk 285, Sterkrivier, 0630, Limpopo Province, South Africa

  • Dates

    Arrive: Friday 13th or Saturday 14th March
    Depart: Friday 20th March (or Sunday 22nd March if part of the project team or regional group meetings)

  • Cost

    $450 (13th-20th March)
    $150 (20th-22nd March)

  • Now

  • By 20th January

    Complete your registration form if you are applying for funding and/or if you need a visa

  • By 31st January

    Registration closes (ensure you‘ve completed your Travel Form)

  • By 10th February

    Ensure you‘ve completed your Payment Form if you are not receiving full funding