Videos to Use with Children Everywhere Challenge

Go… this command from Jesus (Matthew 28:19) was for all people and that includes children. Jesus saw potential in children and blessed them. He praises their abilities, their attitude and their faith. It is God’s heart for children to have a relationship with Him and to tell about Him to others. This is what the…

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Imagine Children Everywhere…

Imagine fleeing from your home in South Sudan, leaving your mother behind and arriving in a vast refugee camp with your father and four siblings. Living in cramped conditions, you stay there for five years. Your father eventually remarries and in all this time you never see your mother. You long to go to her…

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24 Hour Prayer

“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16) Over 24 hours during the weekend of 17 – 18 November people from around the world will be praying to see ‘children everywhere walking with Jesus’. The Global Children’s Forum (GCF) are calling on individuals, churches, denominations and countries together to pray.

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Vision Carriers

As participants went home from the Global Children’s Forum’s gathering in Budapest they carried with them a powerful vision. To see Children Everywhere Walking with Jesus (CEWWJ).

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