Sharing the Vision

I think every believer yearns to see children everywhere walking with Jesus but what about reality? How could that be possible? We’re talking two billion children in the world right now! Where do you start? You have to stop and think*.

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24 Hour Prayer

“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16) Over 24 hours during the weekend of 17 – 18 November people from around the world will be praying to see ‘children everywhere walking with Jesus’. The Global Children’s Forum (GCF) are calling on individuals, churches, denominations and countries together to pray.

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Hands On Leadership Experience

Running a mothers and daughters camp; starting a weekly radio show run by children; helping Christian children living in a slum in Rio share the gospel with their friends; training children and teens to run a sports outreach event and creating a Ministry Internship course are just some of the amazing ministry projects being done…

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Vision Carriers

As participants went home from the Global Children’s Forum’s gathering in Budapest they carried with them a powerful vision. To see Children Everywhere Walking with Jesus (CEWWJ).

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Global Children’s Forum in Budapest

What happens when 74 people passionate about ministry with children representing 52 different ministries from around the world, gather in one place to share a common vision? A lot! Rachel Bunting representing her church denomination in Wales UK, wrote about her experience at the Global Children’s Forum’s (GCF) gathering in Budapest, Hungary earlier in the…

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Reaching Europe’s Children

Reaching Europe’s Children (REC) is exactly what 210 delegates from 40 countries explored together at a congress this year of the same name held on the shores of lake Balaton in Hungary.

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Leadership Experience 2018

“Leadership Experience (LE) is a chance to step back from the front line and to look at the Big Picture of God’s kingdom in the world and how we are called to operate in it as advocates for children as agents of transformation.”

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Children Praying is Powerful

Children’s prayers are powerful. Their heavenly Father hears them and moves quickly to answer. They have the power to silence the enemy as Psalm 8:2 says “Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” On the 24th of February children from…

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Rubbing Shoulders

Sometimes the best encouragement for ministry is rubbing shoulders with others doing the same thing.  In Europe there are two opportunities to rub shoulders with others from around the world and be inspired to continue working with and for children. They are both in Budapest, Hungary and are planned to run one after the other.

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Good News this Easter

Are you looking for help to share the good news of Easter this year? the free resource website has some awesome animations and corresponding sessions, and they’re free to download!

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