Children in Mission

Article written by Anand Jeyakumar Anand works with children living in slum communities in Chennai, India with Metro Missions. If you are interested in exploring this topic with others from your church or community, Anand has helped create a hands-on session in the Children Everywhere Challenge. It is just one of many resources to be…

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Habits of a Disciple-making Family

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 describes a disciple-making family. These are parents and a wider community who are focused and motivated about the faith they are passing on to the next generation. There is no time in a child’s life that they are not being shaped by ideas. Ideas are all around them and are constant. For the…

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Training for Every Leader

When the 1for50 dream was birthed at the Global Children’s Forum ten years ago, no one could have imagined that it would grow into a global movement with activity in more than 100 nations! Praise God for all He is doing! 1for50 is a children’s ministry training and networking initiative. Its vision is to see…

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A Little Girl Shares a Secret

The last Aim Lower Journal featured the ‘Best Secret Ever’ cards that help children introduce their friends to Jesus. Peter Empson, the creator of the cards below shares a story of a girl in a village in Myanmar who did just that – shared the best secret ever. “I was in the heart of Myanmar.…

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GCF2018 – Budapest, Hungary 14-18 May, 2018

  CHILDREN EVERYWHERE WALKING WITH JESUS This is what we long to see happening! We know that children everywhere NEED to walk with Jesus if they are to flourish and become all that He intends. Helping the church to implement this shared Kingdom vision is the purpose of the Global Children’s Forum –  a pioneering, partnering community…

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Christmas around the world

How do you celebrate Jesus’ Birthday? We asked children’s ministry leaders around the world and this is what they said… Alberto in Honduras: “It is a long-awaited date because it is when as families we meet to celebrate the birthday of our Saviour…the children are very excited. We eat Nacatamales and french toast. We sing Christmas…

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1for50 Annual Retreat (2018)

When: 23-26 May, 2018 Where: Chiang Mai, Thailand 1for50 Orientation Day – 23 May Inspiring one-day orientation to the 1for50 movement. Be introduced to the resources, vision, and training community of this movement active in 100 nations. The orientation day is for people new to 1for50 training and is required if you are attending the 1for50 Retreat for…

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Best Secret Ever

Can you join all the children together using four connected straight lines? There is a secret way to do it. Another much greater secret tells how God has a rescue plan for everyone in the world. Cards for Children to Reach Children This is the first in a series of illustrated cards sharing ‘The Best…

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Best Secret Ever

Can you join all the children together using 4 connected straight lines? There is a secret way to do it. Another much greater secret tells how God has a rescue plan for everyone in the world. Cards for Children to Reach Children This is the first in a series of illustrated cards sharing ‘The Best Secret…

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1for50 Annual Retreat

23-26 May, 2018 Chiang Mai, Thailand 1for50 Orientation Day – 23 May Inspiring one-day orientation to the 1for50 movement. Be introduced to the resources, vision, and training community of this movement active in 100 nations. The orientation day is for people new to 1for50 training and is required if you are attending the 1for50 Retreat for the first…

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