News from You

A lot happens in the world of the Global Children’s Forum (GCF) community in one month. The lively GCF Whatsapp group is always brimming with news and photos of what is happening to see children everywhere walking with Jesus (CEWWJ). Here is a taste from just the last two months.

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Brazil is a Big Country

Covering roughly half of South America, Brazil is the world’s 5th largest country so what is the likelihood of two people unknown to each other, working together initially on Portuguese translations for the Children Everywhere site, find out that they live in neighbouring cities. This is Andrea’s story.

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The Coach with a Vision

Imagine coaching a team of young soccer players and seeing your influence through the faithful sharing of God’s word and weekly mentoring, making a difference in the homes, neighbourhood and schools the players were apart of. This is the testimony of Joel, a KidsHubs coach in Togo.

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Messengers of Hope in a Digital World

How can we be messengers of hope to our peers, family & communities in this digital world? This was one of the questions asked of groups of young people around the world who gathered for the second Global Young People’s Forum (GYPF). 

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24 Hour Prayer

“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16) Over 24 hours during the weekend of 17 – 18 November people from around the world will be praying to see ‘children everywhere walking with Jesus’. The Global Children’s Forum (GCF) are calling on individuals, churches, denominations and countries together to pray.

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Hands On Leadership Experience

Running a mothers and daughters camp; starting a weekly radio show run by children; helping Christian children living in a slum in Rio share the gospel with their friends; training children and teens to run a sports outreach event and creating a Ministry Internship course are just some of the amazing ministry projects being done…

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Vision Carriers

As participants went home from the Global Children’s Forum’s gathering in Budapest they carried with them a powerful vision. To see Children Everywhere Walking with Jesus (CEWWJ).

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