1for50 Update
A Growing Vision in the Philippines After attending the 1for50 retreat in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in 2016, leaders from the Philippines came together to form the 1for50 Dream Team for their nation. United by their love for Jesus and passion to see children following him, this energetic group of leaders met every month to pray…
Read MoreMessengers of Hope in Uganda
Chess is Life “Chess is life and life is chess”. This is just one of many statements you’ll hear from those who are part of the five SOM (Sports Outreach Ministries) Chess academies in Kampala, Uganda. Operating in the poorest areas of Kampala, the chess academies begun by Coach Robert Katende have seen lives transformed…
Read MoreGlobal CHILDREN’S Forum
For nine years Global Children’s’ Forum (GCF) has been creating, developing and releasing new ways of helping children’s ministry leaders around the world engage with children in their communities to share the gospel. There are numerous projects like KidsHubs (Max7, 2Fish5Bread resource disks/USBs, 1for50 training for children’s ministry leaders) that have been undertaken by GCF…
Read MoreEquiping Children to Understand the Bible
What are the foundations that help us equip children to understand the Bible. Here are several different resources that help you explore this vital subject. Bible synopsis – how to teach the whole Bible narrative This collection helps you to teach, train or inform children about the whole Biblenarrative. Visual aids, curriculum and other components work…
Read MoreLeaving a Godly Heritage
What does leaving a Godly heritage look like? What does it mean ‘to leave a Godly heritage?’ Heritage can relate to many things, but for our purpose we will use the Oxford Dictionary definition which in part states; Heritage is “Valued qualities and cultural traditions that have been passed down from previous generations”. Psalm 127: 3 …
Read MoreThe Importance of Generational Connections
‘Intergenerational’ seems to be the buzz word of the moment. There are large international research programmes in the secular world devoted to intergenerational issues and there’s even a dedicated journal of intergenerational relationships. It is now widely recognized, even outside the church, that good intergenerational connections are a source of hope for healthy societies…
Read MoreGod’s rescue plan for children
God’s redemptive plan from creation to eternal restoration is the story of the Bible. It has lots of stories, but all the stories are telling one Big Story. The Story of how God loves his children and comes to rescue them. Sally Lloyd Jones, The Jesus Storybook Bible The Bible is the Story of God’s redemption of…
Read MoreIntergenerational Ministry Beyond the Rhetoric | Fuller Youth Institute
“I knew we were starting to get somewhere when my six-year-old son was rattling off who he wanted at his birthday party. There were as many adults as kids on that list.” A pastor recently shared this with me (Brad) as we talked about the emerging conversation surrounding intergenerational (sometimes called cross-generational, or multi-generational) ministry. …
Read MoreWhat environment are we creating for our children? – Helps and hindrances
What is shaping the environment in which our children are growing up? I am sure there are many ‘things’ that come to mind. Is there something that you can do to contribute and help? Well we may get a clue about one of the ‘things’ that contribute to the problem from the comment below. This is attributed…
Read MoreUnderstanding Christian concepts of ‘human flourishing’ in relation to children
In recent decades there has been a growing trend for theologians to speak about about the idea of ‘human flourishing’.[1] ‘Flourishing’ is a biological, even ecological word, which evokes images of plants, gardens or whole ecosystems growing in a healthy manner.[2] Theological ethicists and public theologians (those seeking to speak about God in the civic…
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